Young Enterpriser Initiative

Activating children, young adults and organisations to thrive in a world of change

“YEI is tapping into the innate potential of each child and – in the process - making the child aware of the power and value of relationships, which leads to mutual growth. It is stimulating the inner child and training them to develop initiative and imagination. “This is vital software in every child that really needs to be activated!”
Dr Juliana Seleti
Education consultant specialising in Early Childhood Development


The answer lies in enterprise!

We know that to succeed in this new world, young people everywhere are going to have to become much more flexible and resourceful.


YEI is a programme of 24 Challenges delivered through an “Activation Pedagogy” that triggers relational behaviour and results in enterprise.

Our Enterprise Hives will nurture the initiatives that flow from the process.

Here's How You Can Help:

Right now, our ambition is to scale YEI responsibly and sustainably – to roll it out first in South Africa as our test market and then in other world markets

“…If we can flip our education to get a better sense of human capacity, then I think we will have a better chance of making sense of the world within us and the world around us. “The great bridge between the two worlds is education – and I think we have to re-build it so that we can build a bridge to the future.”

The late Sir Ken Robinson – world leading education reformer